The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Fifth Flash | 265

The Twenty-Fifth Flash


Message for the Sick


[This treatise consists of twenty-five remedies. It was written as a  salve, a solace, and a prescription for the sick, and in order to visit them and wish them a speedy recovery.]


Warning and Apology


This immaterial prescription was written with a speed greater than all my other  writings,1   and since time could not be found to correct and study it, unlike all the others it was read only once, and that at great speed like its composition. That is to say, it has remained in the disordered state of a first

draft. I did not consider it necessary to go over carefully the things which had occurred to me in a natural manner, lest they be spoilt by arranging them and paying them undue attention. Readers and especially the sick should not feel upset  and  offended  at  any disagreeable  expressions  or  harsh  words  and phrases; let them rather pray for me.


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Those who say when afflicted by calamity: “To God do we belong and to Him is our return.(2:156) * Who gives me food and drink * And when I am ill it is He Who cures me.(26:79-80)


In this Flash, we describe briefly twenty-five remedies which may offer true consolation and a beneficial cure for the sick and those struck by disaster, who form one tenth of mankind.


1  This treatise was written in four and a half hours.

Signed, Rüştü, Refet, Hüsrev, Said.

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