The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTIETH FLASH | 200

The Twentieth Flash


On Sincerity




[While being the first of the five Points which form the Second of the seven Matters of the Seventeenth Flash, this became the Twentieth Flash because of its importance.]



In the Name of God,  the Merciful, the Compassionate.


The verse:


Verily We sent the Book down to you in truth, so worship God in sincerity, for God’s is sincerely practised religion,(39:2)


and the noble saying of the Prophet (UWBP):


All men will perish, except the scholars, and all scholars will perish except those  who act  in accordance with  their  knowledge, and  all of them will perish except the sincere, and even the sincere are in great danger,1


demonstrate together how important a principle of Islam is sincerity. From among the innumerable points concerning sincerity, we will briefly expound only five.


Note: An auspicious sign of blessed Isparta which causes one to offer  thanks is that compared with other places, there is no visible rivalry and  dispute between the pious, those who follow the Sufi path, and the religious scholars. Even if the required true love and union is not present,  comparatively speaking, there is no harmful rivalry and conflict.



1   See, al-Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa, ii, 415; al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulum al-Din, iii, 414.
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