The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE NINTH FLASH | 58

The Ninth Flash




[Not  everyone  should  read  this  Flash,  for  some  people  will  not discern the subtle errors of the Unity of Existence (Wahdat al-Wujud), and are not in need of it.]


In His Name!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.(17:44)




My Dear, Loyal, Sincere, Conscientious Brother!

The reason I did not write a separate letter to my brother Ablmecid,1  was that I considered the letters I had written to you to be sufficient. After Hulûsî,2  Abdülmecid is a valuable brother for me and a student. Every morning and evening he is present in name  in my  prayers together with Hulûsî, sometimes being mentioned  first. First Sabri,3   then Hakkı  Efendi4   profit from the letters I write you. I do not write them separate letters  either.  Almighty God  made  you  a blessed  elder brother to  them. Correspond with Abdülmecid in my place; he should not worry, for after Hulûsî, I think of him.





1   Abdülmecid (‘Abd al-Majid) was Bediuzzamans younger brother. He was a teacher of the religious sciences, then a Mufti, and translated parts of the Risale-i Nur into Arabic, and Isharat al- I‘jaz and Mesnevi-i Nuriye from Arabic into Turkish. He died in 1967. (Tr.)

2   Hulûsi Yahyagil was one of the first students of the Risale-i Nur, and was from Elazığ in eastern

Turkey. When serving as a captain in the army in 1929 he visited Bediuzzaman, and in Bediuzzamans

words, his zeal and seriousness were the most important reason for the last of the Words (Sözler) and the Letters (Mektûbat) being written. (Tr.)

3   Sabri Arseven. Known as Santral Sabri, he was one of Bediuzzamans most important students in Barla and was also imam of the neighbouring village of Bedre. He died in 1954. (Tr.)

4   Hakkı Tığlı. He was from Eğridir and was imprisoned together with Bediuzzaman in Eskişehir

in 1935. He also acted as Bediuzzamans lawyer. (Tr.)

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