The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE NINTH FLASH | 61

But if it is said that the suns extended reflection, which has become like an attribute or quality of the mirror, and its image which has been transposed to the photographic paper is the sun, it is wrong; it is an error to say: There is nothing in them other than the sun. For there is the reflection on the mirrors shining face and the image formed on its back, and these have their own separate existences. For sure those existences are from the suns manifestation, but they are not the sun. The human mind and imagination resemble this example of the mirror, as follows:

The information in the mirror of mans thought also has two faces: in one respect it is  knowledge, in another, it is known. If we suppose the mind to contain what is known, then the known thing becomes something known by the mind; its existence is something different to the mind. If we suppose the mind to be qualified by the thing, it becomes an attribute or quality of the mind; then the thing becomes knowledge and has an  external  existence.  Even  if  the  existence  of the  thing  known  is  essential (jawhari), it has an accidental external existence like the knowledge.

Thus, according to these two comparisons, the universe is a mirror. The true nature of beings is also mirror-like; they are subject to divine creation through pre- eternal power. In one respect, each being is a sort of mirror to one of the names of the Pre-Eternal  Sun,  displaying  its  embroideries.  The  followers  of  Muhyiddins  way unveiled them only in respect of being mirrors and containers, revealing the similitude of their existence in the  mirror,  from the point  of view of denial. Supposing the reflection to be identical with the thing reflected, they did not think of other levels. They said: There is no existent but He, and were in error. They almost went as far as denying the fundamental rule: The reality of beings is constant.

As for the people of reality, they have seen through the mystery of the legacy of prophethood  and  the definite  statements of the  Quran that the embroideries and inscriptions that come into being in the mirrors of things through divine power and

will are His works. They are “all from Him;” they are not all Him.7  Things have an existence and their existence is constant to a degree. For sure it is weak compared to that of  the Necessary Existence, like an illusion or imagining, but through the Pre- Eternal All-Powerful Ones creation, will, and power, it exists.

In the comparison, the sun in the mirror has an existence through its similitude apart from its external existence. And its expanded reflection also, which gives colour to and  adorns the mirror, has an accidental and separate external existence. And the suns image which is depicted on the photographic paper on the  back  of the  mirror also  has  a separate  and  accidental external existence.





7   That is, everything is from Him; He creates everything. Not everything is Him so that it may be saidThere is no existent save Him.

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