The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE NINTH FLASH | 62

Similarly, the inscriptions of beings, which appear through the manifestations of the sacred divine names occurring through will, choice, and power in the mirror of the  universe  and  mirrors  of  the  quintessential  natures  of  things,  have  a  created existence separate from the Necessary Existence. And this existence has been given a permanence through pre-eternal power. But if the connection were to be severed, all things would at once cease to be. Because for their continued existence, all things are every instant in need of their Creator’s preserving  them. The reality of things is constant, but it is constant and permanent only through His making it so.

Thus, Muhyiddins saying: Spirit is not created; it is a reality proceeding from the world of the divine command and from the attribute of will, is contrary to many clear statements of the Qur’an and Hadiths, and according to the investigation above, he was confused, deceived, and had not seen the weak existences of things.

The places of manifestation of such divine names as Creator and Provider cannot be illusory or imaginary. Since the names have a reality, their places of manifestation also have an external reality.




You want instruction in the science of jafr that will be a key to it.

T h e  A n s w e r : We are not carrying out this work and service at our own wish and through our own planning. A better will than ours governs it, over and above our wills. The science of jafr is an absorbing and pleasurable occupation, but it busies us and detains us from our true duties. It has often happened that some of the Qur’ans mysteries have been revealed  through it as though it were a key, but on addressing myself  to  them  with  real  enthusiasm   and  enjoyment,  they  eluded  me.  I  have discovered two instances of wisdom in this:

The First: It may be discourteous towards the prohibition of None knows the

Unseen save God.

The Second: Teaching the Islamic community about the fundamental truths of belief and the certain proofs of the Qur’an is a sacred service far exceeding in value and merit such  occult sciences as jafr. Their firm evidences and categorical proofs allow no opportunity for exploitation, but occult sciences like jafr that are not bound by any firm rules, and are open to abuse and exploitation by charlatans. In any event, a little is bestowed whenever the need arises in this service of reality arises.

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