The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE NINTH FLASH | 63

Among the keys of jafr, the easiest, and perhaps the purest and finest, are  the  various  sorts  of  coincidences. These  proceed  from  the  divine  name  of Originator (Bedi) and have been manifested in the name of Allah in the Qur’an and adorn the  works we  have published. They have been pointed  out to an extent in several places in the work Kerâmet-i Gavsiye (The Wonders of al-Gawth al-Azam). For instance, the  coincidences showing something in several aspects constitutes a sign that has the strength of a proof. Sometimes with a number of deductions, a single

coincidence may form a proof. However, this is enough for now. If there is serious need, it will be made known to you.




That is, not your question but Imam Ömer Efendis, about a wretched doctor saying that Jesus (UWP) had a father.8  With a lunatic interpretation, the doctor tried to show that a Qur’anic verse justifies his saying this.

At  one  time,  the  unfortunate  man  was  trying  to  create  something  with  the Disjointed Letters. He was working at it feverishly. Then I understood that he had perceived  from the atheists attitude that they were going to attempt to abolish the Islamic script. He was struggling pointlessly as though to save the script in the face of that flood. Now in this matter, and in the Second Matter, he saw the atheists terrible attacks against the fundamentals of Islam, and I reckon he wanted to find a way of compromising through meaningless  interpretations  like  that.  Since  definite  verses like,


The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam,(3:59)


state that Jesus (Upon whom be peace) had no father, no importance should be given to  what  those who  attempt  to  change  such certain,  veritable  facts  say with their idiotic, forced interpretations. For they suppose it impossible that the law of human reproduction be broken.  But there is no law that has no  exceptions and to which individuals have not been subject.  And there is no universal rule that has not been breached by extraordinary individuals.






8   The extraordinary achievements of an extraordinary human being who is the leader of a quarter of mankind, transformed humankind into angels of a sort, and left this world to make the heavens his dwelling these extraordinary achievements demand an extraordinary form of the law of reproduction. For him to have been subject to that law in a dubious, unknown, unnatural, and even base way would have been inappropriate for him; anyway there was no need for him to have been. Moreover, the Qurans explicit statements do not bear interpretation. How can the law of the angels sexuality, which is outside reproduction and in no way can be broken for the sake of repairing the law of human reproduction, which has been broken in a hundred ways how can this law together with such powerful laws as the law of the explicit verses of the Qur’an be violated?

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