Letters ( revised ) | THE FIFTEENTH LETTER | 74

The four reasons mentioned above are outward and apparent. When considered from the point of view of divine determining, the results pertaining to the hereafter and  spiritual  rule  and  spiritual  progress  that  the  tradegy  won  for  Husain  and  his relatives were of such high worth that the distress they suffered due to it was made easy and cheap. It resembled a soldier who dies after an hour’s torture and becomes a martyr: he attains a rank so high that anyone else could reach it only if they strove for ten years. If the soldier were to be asked about it after he had died, he would reply that he had gained much for very little.




After Jesus (Upon whom be peace) kills the Antichrist (Dajjal) at the end of time, most people will enter the true religion. But it says in some narrations: “The end of the world will not occur as long as there remain on the earth people who say, Allah! Allah!”[4]  So  how  after  most  people  have  come  to  believe,  will  they  become unbelievers?

T h e  A n s w e r : Some people whose belief is weak regard as unlikely what is narrated in the sound Hadith: “Jesus (Upon whom be peace) will come and will act in accordance with the Shari‘a of Islam. He will kill the Dajjal.”[5]  But when its meaning is explained, it is seen that there is nothing unlikely about it. It is as follows:

What this Hadith and those about the Sufyan and the Mahdi [6] mean is this: at the end of time two atheistic movements will gain strength.

One of them: Behind  a screen of duplicity,  a fearsome individual named the Sufyan will deny the messengership of Muhammad (UWBP), and coming to lead the dissemblers, will try to destroy the Islamic Shari‘a. To oppose him, a luminous individual called Muhammad Mahdi of the Family of the Prophet (UWBP) will assume leadership of the people of sainthood and perfection, who are bound to the luminous line of the Prophet’s (UWBP) Family, and he will kill the current of dissemblers, which will consist of the collective personality of the Sufyan, and scatter it.


[4] Muslim, Iman, 234; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 35; Musnad, ii, 107, 201, 259; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, vi, 494.

[5]  Anbiya’, 49; Muslim, Iman, 242-7; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 62; Musnad, iv, 226.

[6] For the Sufyan, see, al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, iv, 520; Bukhari, Fitan, 101-2; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 62; Musnad, iii, 115, 211, 228, 249-50; v, 38, 404-5; vi, 139-40. For the Mahdi, Bukhari, Anbiya’, 49; Muslim, Iman, 244-5; Ibn Maja, Fitan, 33; Musnad, ii, 336; iii, 368.

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