Will the immortal spirits be grieved at the events of the Last Day?
T h e A n s w e r : They will be grieved according to their degrees. They will be grieved in the same way that they are grieved at the overwhelming, wrathful manifestations of the angels towards themselves. A person is affected in his mind and conscience if others are trembling in the snow and cold outside while he himself is inside in the warmth. Similarly, since they are connected to the universe immortal spirits are affected according to their degree by its awesome events. The Qur’an indicates and alludes to this and to the tormented being grievously afflicted, and those destined for happiness being struck by wonder and amazement, and even rejoicing. For the All-Wise Qur’an always mentions the extraordinary events of the resurrection in the form of threats; it says: “You will see it!” Whereas those who will witness it physically are those living at the Last Day. That is to say, spirits whose bodies have rotted in their graves are also addressed by those Qur’anic threats.
Does the verse,
Everything will perish save His countenance(28:88)
include the hereafter, Paradise, and Hell, and their inhabitants, or does it not include them?
T h e A n s w e r : This question has been much discussed by the scholars, the saints, and those who uncover the realities of creation. They have the say in this matter. Moreover, the verse is very broad and contains many levels.
[11] Muslim, Iman, 234; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 35; Musnad, iii, 107.
[12] See, Ibn Hajar, al-Matalib al-‘Aliya, iv, 353; al-Haythami, Majma’ al-Zawa’id, viii, 9.