Letters ( revised ) | THE FIFTEENTH LETTER | 75

The Second Current: A tyrannical movement born of naturalist philosophy will gradually grow strong at the end of time and spread by means of materialist philosophy, going so far as to deny God. A savage who does not recognize the king or accept that the officers and soldiers in the army are his soldiers ascribes a sort of kingship and rulership to everyone and to all the soldiers. In just the same way, the members of that movement, who deny God, each ascribes dominicality to his soul like a little Nimrod. And the greatest of them, the Dajjal, who will come to lead them, will manifest  awesome  wonders,  a sort of spiritualism  and  hypnosis;  he  will  go  even further, and imagining his tyrannical, superficial rule to be a sort of dominicality, he will proclaim his godhead. It is clear just what foolish buffoonery it is for impotent man, who may be defeated by a fly and cannot create even a fly’s wing, to claim godhead.

At that point, just when the movement appears to be very strong, the religion of true Christianity, which comprises the collective personality of Jesus (Upon whom be peace), will emerge. That is, it will descend from the skies of divine mercy. Present- day Christianity will be purified in the face of that reality; it will cast off superstition and distortion, and unite with the truths of Islam. Christianity will in effect be transformed into a sort of Islam. Following the Qur’an, the collective personality of Christianity will be in the rank of follower, and Islam, in that of leader. True religion will become a mighty force as a result of its joining it. Although defeated before the atheistic movement while separate, as a result of their union Christianity and Islam will acquire the capability to defeat and rout it. Then the person of Jesus (Upon whom be peace), who is present with his human body in the world of the heavens, will come to lead the current of true religion, as, relying on the promise of One Powerful Over

All Things, the Bringer of Sure News has said.[7]  Since he has told of it, it is true, and since the One Powerful Over All Things has promised it, He will certainly bring it about.

Indeed, it is not far from the wisdom of the All-Wise One of Glory who all the time sends the angels to the earth from the heavens, sometimes in human form – like Gabriel appearing  in the form of Dihya [7] – and sends spirit beings from the Spirit World making them appear in human form, and even sends the spirits of most of the dead saints to the world with similitudes of their bodies, it would not be far from His Wisdom – even if  he were not alive and present with his body in the skies of the world and had truly died and departed  for the furthest  corner of the hereafter  – to clothe Jesus (Upon whom be peace) in his body and send him to the world, so to bring the religion of Jesus to a fitting conclusion;  for such a momentous  result.


[7] See, Qur’an, 4:159. See also, Bukhari, Anbiya’, 49; Muslim, Iman, 242-7; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 62; Musnad, iv, 226.

[8] See, Bukhari, Manaqib, 25; Muslim, Fada’il al-Sahaba, 100; al-Haythami, Majma’ al-Zawa’id, ix, 276.

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