The Guide For The Youth | THE SECOND STATION OF THE 13TH WORD | 17

In order to be saved from that hell, enter the paradise which belief ensures in this world also, and taste the happiness of life, take heed of the lessons of the Qur’an, exchange a partial, transitory minute’s worth of pleasure for the universal, unending, eternal pleasures of belief*

Also do not say: "I shall pass my life like an animal", because for an animal the past and the future are hidden, as though non-existent. By not causing them to realize this, the All-Wise and Compassionate One has saved them from innumerable pains. A hen which is being held down to be slaughtered, even, does not feel any pain or grief. It wants to feel it as the knife cuts, but the feeling passes and it is saved from that pain, too. That is to say, Allah Almighty’s most vast and perfect mercy, clemency, and compassion do not make the unseen known to them.

(*) Indeed, belief may produce the pleasures of Paradise in this world too. Consider the following single benefit out of hundreds of pleasurable lights. For example, at the very minute you see someone you love dearly in great danger and dying, a doctor who is like both Loqman the Sage and Khidr arrives. Suddenly your friend is restored to life. What great joy you feel. In the same way, belief gives you happiness and joy to the number of the dead whom you love and with whom you are connected. For through the light of belief, millions of people loved by you in the graveyard of the past are suddenly delivered from extinction and death and resurrected before you. They come to life saying, "We did not die, and we shall not die." In place of the numberless pains resulting from those numberless separations, through belief, the innumerable pleasures and joys arising from union and coming to life may be experienced in this world also. Thus, this shows that "Belief is a seed which produces for those who believe the shoots of Paradise together with all its pleasures and properties in this world, and so too will it produce them in the next."
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