The Guide For The Youth | THE SECOND STATION OF THE 13TH WORD | 18

They are more complete for innocent animals in particular. And so, in licentious pleasure you cannot reach the level of the animals; you fall a thousand times lower. For your intellect sees things that are hidden to animals, and receives pain from them. You are altogether deprived of the total ease to be found in the veiling of the unseen.

Also, since your good qualities, like brotherhood, respect, and zeal, which are a cause of pride for you, are restricted to a minute point of time and the space of a finger out of a vast desert, and are special to only the present hour out of limitless time, they become artificial, temporary, contrived, baseless, and most insignificant, and your humanity and achievements diminish propor-tionately, and are reduced to nothing. Whereas, since the brotherhood, respect, love, and zeal of the believers encompass the past and the future, which are existent by reason of their belief, they elevate their humanity and achievements proportionately.

Also, like a crazy Jewish diamond merchant who gives the price of diamonds for pieces of glass, for your worldly success, you have given the price of a long, permanent, and broad life for a brief, short time and life, so of course you will be dominant within those limits. Since you address yourself to one minute with a year’s worth of such emotions as a fierce greed, love and revenge, you will prevail temporarily over the people of religion.

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