The Guide For The Youth | THE SECOND STATION OF THE 13TH WORD | 21

It is understood from the narrations of certain Hadith that what will play the most fearsome role in the dissension at the end of time will be women and their dissension. Indeed, just as it is related in the histories that in olden times a group of soldiers composed of warrior women called “Amazons” were extremely skilful in war. So in just the same way at the present time, the most fearsome of the group in the war of atheistic misguidance against Islam, the commandership of which has been given to Satan through the scheming of the evil-commanding soul, is half-naked women, who with their bare legs-those ghastly knives-attack and assault the believers. By striving to close the road to marriage and widen the road to houses of debauchery, they take many people’s souls captive, and wound their hearts and spirits with grave sins. Indeed, they kill some of those hearts.

As a perfect punishment for displaying them to the desirous gazes of those who are canonically strangers, those knife-like legs become the logs to fuel Hell and will be the first to burn. And since such women have lost confidence and faithfulness in this world, they are no longer able to find suitable husbands, which by their natures they want, and of which they are in great need. And even if they do find one, it only brings them trouble.

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