The Guide For The Youth | THE SECOND STATION OF THE 13TH WORD | 22

It is understood from the narrations of some Hadith, even, that as a result of this situation, at the end of time, because marriage will be neither sought after nor observed in some places, the value of women will fall to the degree at which one man looks after forty women.

Since the reality of the matter is this; and since every beauty loves her beauty and wants to preserve it as far as she can, and does not want it to be spoilt; and since beauty is a bounty, and if bounty is thanked for, it increases, while if it is not thanked for, it changes and becomes ugly, for sure, if such a person is sensible, she will flee with all her strength from committing sins, and making her beauty and loyeliness commit sins, and making them ugly and poisonous, and through ingratitude turning that bounty into something that leads to punishment. And in order to make permanent that fleeting five or ten years’ beauty, she will give thanks for the bounty by using it in a licit fashion. Otherwise for the long period of her old age, she will be spurned and will weep despairingly.

If her loveliness is made beautiful with the adornment of Qur’anic conduct and manners within the sphere of Islamic training, that fleeting beauty will in effect become eternal, and in Paradise she will be given a beauty more graceful and shining than that of the houris, as is definitely established in some Hadiths. If such a beauty has even the minutest amount of sense, she will not allow this beautiful, shining, and everlasting result to slip from her hand.

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