The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 138

And so on. All man’s faculties, including his important subtle aspects, such as the heart, intellect and spirit, have quite distinct duties, pleasures and pains.

Thus, Allah Almighty, the Possessor of Absolute Wisdom, will certainly give suitable recompense to each one of those faculties, which He employs in human beings. Everyone may perceive with his conscience the immediate results in this world of those numerous varieties of love, as was explained above, and they may be confirmed through experience.

As for the results in the hereafter, their existence and reality have been conclusively, through briefly, proved by the decisively clear Twelve Truths of the Tenth Word, and by the six self-evident Fundamental Points of the Twenty-Ninth Word. They are also clearly demonstrated in detail by the distinct verses and the explanations, allusions, symbols and indications of the All-Wise Qur’an, which is,

’The most truthful of all words, most eloquent in its order, the Word of Allah -The Lord, The Mighty, The All- Knowing’. There is no need to present more extensive proofs. In any case, there are further proofs in other Words: in the Second Station of the Twenty- Eighth Word, which is about Paradise, and is in Arabic, and in the Twenty-Ninth Word.

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