The Guide For The Youth | The Second Station of the 17th Word * | 139

According to the Qur’an, the result in the hereafter of licit and thankful love for delicious foods and fruits is again delicious food and fruit, but in a form appropriate for Paradise. And this licit love desires those foods and fruits of the hereafter. So much so, that when you utter the phrase ’Praise be to Allah’ over the fruit you eat in this world, it will be embodied as a fruit of Paradise and presented to you there. Here you eat fruit, while there you will eat ’Praise be to Allah’.

And since you see divine munificence and the All- Merciful One’s favours in bounty and food, it is established by Hadith, the indications of the Qur’an, and the requirements of wisdom and mercy that that pleasurable gratitude will be given to you in Paradise in the form of a truly delicious food.


Licit love for your instinctual soul in this world is not a love built on its good qualities, but rather one that sees its shortcomings and trains it with a compassion that seeks to perfect it, and that impels it towards good. This love results in giving to the soul objects of love worthy of it in Paradise.

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