The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 164

And the means to this embodiment of Mercy who is a Mercy to All the Worlds is to utter the prayer calling down Allah’s blessings upon him. Indeed, the meaning of this prayer is Mercy. As a prayer of Mercy for that living embodiment of Divine Mercy, it is the means of reaching the Mercy to All the Worlds. So, make this prayer the means to the Mercy to All the Worlds for yourself, and at the same time make Him the means to the Mercy of the Most Merciful One.

The whole Muslim community in all their great numbers uttering this prayer which is synonymous with Mercy for the Mercy to All the Worlds proves in brilliant fashion what a valuable divine gift is Divine Mercy, and how broad is its sphere.

To Conclude: Just as the most precious jewel in the treasury of Mercy and its doorkeeper is the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be blessings and peace), so too is its first key In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. And its most easy key the prayer for the Prophet.

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