The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 161

And He is the highest similitude in the heavens and the earth, and He is Exalted in Might, Full of Wisdom** Qur’an 30:27

His actions, attributes, and Names may be considered. That is to say, there is allegory and comparison in regard to actions. One aim of the above mentioned Hadith is as follows:

"Man is in a form showing the Divine Name of All-Merciful in its entirety."

For sure, as we explained before, just as the Divine Name of All-Merciful is manifest through the rays of a thousand and one Names on the face of the universe, and is apparent through the innumerable manifestations of Allah’s absolute dominicality on the face of the earth, so also is the complete manifestation of the Name All-Merciful apparent in a small measure in man’s comprehensive form, like on the face of the earth and the face of the universe.

A further indication is this the evidences to the Necessarily Existent One of places of manifestation like animate creatures and man, who are proofs of and mirrors to the All-Merciful and Compassionate One, are so certain, clear, and obvious that just as it may be said of a shining mirror which reflects the image of the sun: "That mirror is the sun", indicating to the clarity of its brilliance and evidence, so also it has been said and may be said: "Man is in the form of the All-

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