The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 160

Some of them who were ecstatics even considered man’s spiritual nature to be ’in the form of the All- Merciful’. Since ecstatics are mostly immersed in contemplation and confused, they are perhaps to be excused in holding views contrary to reality. But those in their senses on consideration cannot accept their ideas which are contrary to the fundamentals of belief. If they do, they are in error.

Indeed, the Most Pure and Holy Deity, Who ad- ministers with order the whole universe as though it was a palace or house, and spins the stars as though they were particles and causes them to travel through space with wisdom and ease, and employs minute particles as though they were orderly officials, has no partner, match, opposite, or equal. So also according to the meaning of the verse:

There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He hears and sees [all things]* Qur’an 42:11.

He has no form, like, or peer; nothing resembling or similar to Him. However, according to the meaning and manner of comparison of the following verse,

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