The Guide For The Youth | The Second Position Of The 14th Flash | 159
the gazes of conscious beings, draws them to It, and causes them to reach the Seal of Oneness and to observe the Unique and Single One, and from that to manifest Qur’an 30:22. the true address in

You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help.

Thus, it is through In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate being the index of the Sara al-Fatiha and a concise summary of the Qur’an that it is the sign and interpreter of this mighty mystery. One who acquires this sign may travel through the levels of Divine Mercy. And one who causes this interpreter to speak may learn the mysteries of Divine Mercy and see the lights of Divine Compassion and pity.


There is a Hadith which goes something like this:

Allah created man in the form of the All-Merciful One.

It has been interpreted by some Sufis in an extraordinary way inappropriate to the tenets of belief.

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