The Supreme Sign | First Chapter | 42

longer disturbed. In the same way that masts are planted in ships to protect them from turbulence and preserve their balance, so too mountains are set up on the deck of the ship that is the earth, as masts and stores, as is indicated by verses of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition such as these:

And the mountains as pegs(1), And We have cast down anchors(2), And the mountains He anchored them(3).

Then, too, there are stored up and preserved in the mountains all kinds of springs, waters, minerals and other materials needed by animate beings, in so wise, skilful, generous and foreseeing a fashion that they prove that they are the storehouses and warehouses and servants of One possessing infinite power, One possessing infinite wisdom. Deducing from these two examples the other duties and instances of wisdom -as great as mountains- of the mountains and plains, the traveller sees through the general instances of wisdom in them and particularly

(1) Qur’an, 78:7.
(2) Qur’an, 50:7.
(3) Qur’an, 79:32.
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