The Supreme Sign | First Chapter | 44

“There is no god but He.” For he perceived three great and general truths indicating and proving that all fruitgiving trees and plants with the tongue of their symmetrical and eloquent leaves, the phrases of their charming and loquacious flowers, the words of their wellordered and wellspoken fruits, were testifying to God’s glory and bearing witness that “There is no god but He.”

The First: In the same way that in each of the plants and trees a deliberate bounty and generosity is to be seen in most obvious fashion, and a purposive liberality and munificence, so too it is to be seen in the totality of the trees and plants, with the brilliance of sunlight.

The Second: The wise and purposive distinction and differentiation, one that cannot in any way be attributed to chance, the deliberate and merciful adornment and giving of form all this is to be seen as clearly as daylight in the infinite varieties and species; they show themselves to be the works and embroideries of an AllWise Maker.

The Third: The opening and unfolding of all the separate members of the hundred thousand species of that infinite realm, each in its own distinct fashion and shape, in the utmost order, equilibrium and beauty, from welldefined, limited, simple and solid seeds and grains, identical to each other or nearly so their emerging from those seeds in distinct and

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