The Supreme Sign | First Chapter | 86

being in a sleeplike state when it was revealed(1), and other words and speeches not resembling or coming near it, and that Interpreter’s describing without hesistation and with complete confidence through the Qur’an true cosmic events of generally the past and the future from behind the veil of the Unseen, and no trickery or fault being observed in him while being under the gazes of the sharpest eyes, and his believing and affirming every pronouncement of the Qur’an with all his strength and nothing shaking him, is a stamp confirming that the Qur’an is revealed and true and the blessed Word of his own Compassionate Creator.

Also a fifth of mankind, indeed the greater part of it, being drawn to the Qur’an and bound to it in religion and giving ear to it eagerly desirous of the truth, and according to the testimony of many indications and events and illuminations, the jinn, angels, and spirit beings also gathering around it in truthworshipping fashion like moths whenever it is recited(2) is a stamp confirming the Qur’an’s acceptance by all beings and that it occupies a most high position.

Also, all the classes of mankind from the most stupid and lowly to the cleverest and most learned

(1) Muslim, iv, nos: 1816, 1817; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, ii, 392; Tabrizi, Mishkat al-Masabih, No: 4844.
(2) Bukhari, vi, 234; al-Mustadrak, i, 553, 554.

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