The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 119

specimens of the supreme resurrection, and thus prove before man’s eyes a remarkable event, now belonging to the past and the realm of the Unseen, namely the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days, as indicated in the verse,

He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days(1);

the Being that causes the earth to revolve, as evidenced in the verse,

He merges night with day, and day with night(2), and turns the night into the page on which the events of the day are written - this same Being knows and administers according to His own will, all at the same time, the most secret and obscure thoughts that occur to men’s hearts. Since each of the aforementioned acts is in reality one act, it follows that their Glorious Doer is a Unique and Powerful Being, enjoying such grandeur and sublimity that nowhere, in nothing, in no way, does it leave the slightest possibility for the acceptance of partnership; on the contrary, it uproots all such possibility.

Since such sublime power and grandeur exist and since that grandeur is at the very apex of

(1) Qur’an, 57:4.
(2) Qur’an, 3:27.

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