The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 121

of the Creator. They are used, rather, by the command, will, and power of the Glorious Doer as an apparent veil to conceal His power.

Three out of innumerable examples:

We will set forth three from among the numerous subtle points that relate to the three deeds indicated in three continuous verses in Sura alNahl.

The First:

Your Sustainer inspired in the bee that it should seek a dwellingplace in the mountains(1).

The bee is, with respect to its disposition and function, such a miracle of God’s power that a whole sura, Sura alNahl, has been named after it. For to inscribe in the minute head of that little honeymachine a complete programme for the fulfilment of its important task; to place in its diminutive stomach the most delicious of foods and to ripen it there; to place in its sting poison capable of destroying and killing animate beings, without causing any harm to its own body or the member in question to do all this without the utmost care and knowledge, with exceeding wisdom and purposiveness, partakes of a perfect orderliness and equilibriium, and hence unconscious, disorderly, disequilibriated nature and accident could never interfere or participate in any of this.

(1) Qur’an, 16:68.

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