The Supreme Sign | Eulogye | 214

heard proclaiming,

Return to your Sustainer.(1)

The way of attainment lies open; musk and ambergris lie scattered on all hands. The command of

Enter among my bondsmen,(2)

is followed by the reward of

And enter My garden.(3)
Show us, You who has extinguished the fire with His light,
Who has invoked blessings on Your beloved!

The Risale-i Nur, is in short, tablet on which is inscribed, "O Preserver," a page on which is written, "What God wills," a sheet bearing the inscription, "God bless it!", a hose of light trained on the fire, a wise prescription for the sufferer, an instructive mirror for whoever gazes upon it, a seal of prophethood for the Muslims, a deed of delivery for the criminal, a path of guidance for the wanderer

(1) Qur’an, 89:28.
(2) Qur’an, 89:29.
(3) Qur’an, 89:30.
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