The Supreme Sign | A Defence Speech | 217

I am profoundly devoted to my Master, Bediuzzaman, from the reading of whose works on religion, belief and ethics, I have benefited to such a degree that I am ready unhesitatingly to sacrifice my life for his sake. This devotion is not, however, harmful to fatherland and people nor does it have the purpose of inciting the people against the state, as claimed by the prosecution devotion aimed at delivering from the annihilation of the tombsomething no one can hope to avoidmyself and those of my brothers in religion who wish preserve their faith in this dangerous age, who want to purify their morals and be useful citizens of their countries and societies. I am among the close associates of my Master. I have served him proudly. During the whole time. I have witnessed from him nothing except virtue. More than hundreds of thousands of copies of the Risale-i Nur, as well as the hundreds of thousands of sincere students of the Risale-i Nur who have preserved their faith by reading these copies, are witnesses to his utmost modesty.

My blessed Master regards himself too as a student of the Risale-i Nur and claims no more than this.

It is easy to see this in many writings now in your possession, especially the Treatise on Sincerity contained in the collection, The Staff of Moses. He repeatedly states in his treatises and letters, “Eternal

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