The Supreme Sign | A Defence Speech | 218

truths, like suns and diamonds, cannot be based on ephemeral individuals, nor can ephemeral individuals claim possession of those truths.“ How, then, can it be permissible to speak of arrogance and boasting on his part? For if you read all the Treatises and Letters, justly and carefully, you too will become unshakeably certain that this respected scholar, the most learned of the age, is a scholar of religion the like of whom has not been seen for many centuries; an unparalleled saviour of belief; and a patriot more beneficial and blessed for people and nation than a whole army, at a time when the red speaks of Bolshevism are beginning to glint on our horizon. My only regret is that I did earlier become a student of such a work and its author, or respected Master.

Respected tribunal! In order that my fellow citizens should benefit from the Risale-i Nur, a work the innumerable benefits of which I had myself experienced, I had the Guide For Youth printed in Eskişehir, with official permission, and the intention of performing a sacred duty toward the nation. I ask you, is it not contrary to all true justice to treat with harshness a wretch such as myself, who deserves congratulation and appreciation and needs encouragement in his service to the Risale-i Nur, a true and unfailing commentary upon the Qur’an, and hence to belief itself?

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