The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 119


The result of love for righteous friends in this world, according to the decree of, ‘Love for God’s sake’ is, as the Qur’an states, Facing one another on thrones of happiness.(43) God Almighty will seat them on the chairs of Heaven facing one another. He will cause them to meet with their friends, pleasantly, agreeably and sweetly. They will enjoy themselves recounting their old memories and adventures in this world, with a pure love and companionship that will not be subject to separation.


The result of love for the prophets and saints is as the Qur’an explains. That is, it will be both to benefit in the intermediate world and at the resurrection from the intercession of the prophets and saints, and also to profit abundantly, through that love, from the station and blessings that befit them.

Indeed, according to the meaning of ‘a person will be together with whom he loves,’(44) an ordinary man may approach the highest station by following an exalted person whom he loves.


The result of licit love for beautiful things and the spring. That is, to see with the eye of, ‘how beautifully

(43) Qur’an, 15:47, 37:44
(44) See, page 515, footnote 4.

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