The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 120

they have been made,’ and to love the beauty and order of the acts, which lie behind those works of art. To love the manifestations of the Beautiful Names, which lie behind the order and harmony of the actions, and to love the manifestations of the attributes behind those Beautiful Names. And so on.

The result will be to see in Paradise, the everlasting realm, the manifestation of the Names, and the beauty and attributes within the Names, in a form a thousand times more beautiful than the beautiful creatures to be seen here.

More than this even, Imam-i Rabbani (May God be pleased with him) said, “The subtle exquisiteness of Paradise will be the similitude of the manifestation of God’s Names.”(45) Just think of it!


The result in the hereafter of thoughtful love in this world for the two beautiful faces of the world, which are the tillage for the hereafter and the mirror of the Divine Names. An everlasting Paradise will be given that is as large as the world but is not ephemeral and transient like this world. And the Names, only pale shadows of which are shown in this world, will be displayed in the mirror of Paradise in a most brilliant form.

Moreover, the result of loving the world as being the

(45) Suyuti, al Fath al-Kabir, iii, 62; al-Manawi,Fayd al-Qadir, v, 373.
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