The Tongues of Reality | The Thirty Second Word | 122

human beings and the animals share the world with you would not quash your claim. In the same way, if Paradise is thus full, you would be able to say, “Paradise is mine.” The meaning of the Hadith, “A five hundred year Paradise will be given to some of those in Paradise,” has been explained in the Twenty-Eighth Word and the Twentieth Flash, the Treatise on Sincerity.


The result of faith and love of God. It is proved by the consensus of the people of unveiling and verification, by certain Hadith,(46) and by the Qur’an that a thousand years of happy life in this world is not worth one hour of life in Paradise, and that a thousand years of heavenly life is not worth one hour’s vision and contemplation of the All-Glorious One, Who possesses incomparable beauty and perfection.

Everyone may perceive in his conscience a great longing for the vision of a personage famous for his magnificence and perfection, like the Prophet Solomon (Peace be upon him), and a great yearning to behold a personage distinguished by his beauty, like the Prophet

(46) Included in the Hadith is the following: "That vision far surpasses all the other delights of Paradise, so much so that it causes them to be forgotten. ;And after the vision the loveliness and beauty of those who experience it will have increased to such a degree that when they return, it will be only with difficulty and scrutiny that their families in their mansions will recognize them."*
*al-Munzuri, al-Targhib wa’l-Tarhib, iv, 541, 556.

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