Islam in Focus | CHAPTER 1 | 47

And He taught Adam the Names, all of them,33which says: "Adam’s,(Upon whom be peace) greatest miracle in the question of the supreme vicegerencv was the teaching of the Divine Names." Thus, like the miracles of the other Prophets each allude to a particular human wonder, the miracle of Adam, who was the Father of all the Prophets and the Opening of the Office of Prophethood, indicates almost explicitly to the final points of all human attainment and progress, and their final goals. Through the tongue of allusion, Almighty God (May His glory be exalted) is saying in meaning with this verse:

"O Sons of Adam! Since as a proof of their superiority over the angels in the question of the vicegerency, I taught your forefathers all the Names, you too, since you are his sons and the inheritors of his abilities, should learn all the Names and show your worthiness before all creatures in the degree of the Supreme Trust. For the way is open to you to rise to exalted rank like the highest positions over all creatures in the universe, and for vast creatures like the earth to be subjected to you. Come on, step forward, adhere to each of the Names, and rise! But your forefather was deceived one time by Satan, and temporarily fell to the earth from a position like Paradise. Beware! In your progress, do not follow Satan and make it the means of falling into the misguidance of ’Nature’ from the heavens of Divine wisdom. Continuously raising your head and studying carefully My Most Beautiful Names, make your sciences and your progress steps by which to ascend to those heavens. Then you may rise to My Dominical Names, which are the realities and sources of your sciences and attainments, and you may look to your Sustainer with your hearts through the telescope of the Names."

(The Twentieth Word - Risale-i Nur Collection)

9. The true Muslim believes that every person is born “Muslim” .

This means that the very course of birth takes place in accordance with the Will of God, in realization of His plans and in submission to His Commands. It also means that every person is endowed with spiritual potentialities and intellectual inclinations that can make him a good Muslim, if he has the right access to Islam and is left to develop his innate nature.

Many people can readily accept Islam if it is properly presented to them, because it is the Divine formula for those who want to satisfy their moral and spiritual needs as well as their natural aspirations, those who want to lead a constructive and sound life, whether personal or social, national or international. This is so because Islam is the universal religion of God, the Maker of human nature, Who knows what is best for human nature (30:30; 64:1-3; 82:6-8).

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