The Staff of Moses | Eighth Topic | 7
and indicated by foremost God's Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and all the prophets and people of reality always repeating in their supplications, "Preserve us from Hell-fire! Deliver us from Hell-fire! Save us from Hell-fire!", which due to their revelations and illuminations for them was certain, the most momentous question facing mankind is to be saved from Hell. Hell is a vast, awesome, and supremely important cosmic truth, which some of the people of illumination and witnessing and those who investigate the realities have observed, and seeing some of its distillations and shadows, have cried out in terror: "Preserve us from the Fire!"
Yes, the confrontation and interpénétration of good and evil in the universe, and pain and pleasure, light and darkness, heat and cold, beauty and ugliness, and guidance and misguidance are for a vast instance of wisdom. For if there were no evil, good would not be known. If there were no pain, pleasure would not be understood. Light without darkness would lack all importance. The degrees of heat are realized through cold. Through ugliness, a single instance of beauty becomes a thousand in-stances, and thousands of varying degrees of beauty come into existence. If there were no Hell, many of the pleasures of Paradise would remain concealed. By analogy with these, in one respect everything may be known through its opposite and a single truth produce numerous shoots and become numerous truths. Since these intermingled beings pour from this transitory realm into the eternal realm, surely just as things like good, pleasure, light, beauty, and belief are poured into Paradise; so harmful matters like evil, pain, darkness, ugliness, and disbelief flow into Hell, and the floods of this continuously agitated universe are emptied into those two pools. Referring you to the 'Allusive Points' at the end of the wondrous Twenty-Ninth Word, we curtail this discussion here.
My fellow students here in this School of Joseph! The easiest way to be saved from that dreadful, everlasting prison is to profit from our worldly prison, and besides being saved from the many sins we are bound to refrain from, by repenting for our former sins and performing the obligatory worship, to make every hour of our prison life here the equivalent of a day's worship. This îs the best opportunity we may have to be saved from that eternal prison and to win luminous Paradise. If we miss this opportunity, our lives in the hereafter will weep the same as our lives here are weeping, and we shall receive the slap of the verse,
He has lost this world and the hereafter.21
It was the Feast of Sacrifices while this 'station' was being written One fifth of mankind, three hundred million people, together declaring: "God is Most Great! God is Most Great! God is Most Great!"; and in relation to its size the globe broadcasting to its fellow planets in the skies the sacred words of God is Most Great!; and the more than twenty thousand pilgrims performing the Hajj, on 'Arafat and at the Festival, together declaring: "God is Most Great!" are all a response in the form of extensive, universal worship to the universal manifestation of Divine dominicality through God's sublime titles of Sustainer of the Earth and Sustainer of All The Worlds, and are a sort of echo of the God is Most Great! spoken and commanded one thousand three hundred years ago by God's Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and his Family and Companions. This I imagined and felt and was certain about.
Then I wondered if the sacred phrase has any connection with our matter. It suddenly occurred to me that foremost this phrase and many others of these marks of Islam like There is no god but God, All praise be to God!, and Glory be to God!, which bear the title of "enduring good works," recall particular and universal points about the matter we are discussing, and infer its realization.
For example, one aspect of the meaning of God is Most Great! is that Divine power and knowledge are greater than everything; nothing at all can quit the bounds of God's knowledge, nor escape or be saved from the disposals of His power. He is greater than the things we fear most. This means He is greater than bringing about the resurrection of the dead, saving us from non-existence, and bestowing eternal happiness. He is greater than any strange or unimaginable thing, so that, as explicitly stated by the verse, Your creation and your resurrection are but as a single soul,22 the resurrection of mankind is as easy for His power as the creation of a single soul. It is in connection with this meaning that when faced by serious disasters or important undertakings, everyone says: "God is Most Great! God is Most Great!", making it a source of consolation, strength, and support for themselves.
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