The Staff of Moses | The Eleventh Topic | 4
For the Risale-i Nur has proved definitively with innumerable evidences that the stamps of Divine unity on all things show clearly that no cause has an actual effect or the ability to create. Creation and the giving of existence are particular to Him. Causes are merely a veil. Conscious beings like angels can do nothing other than a sort of voluntary duty in accordance with their natures and active worship which is called 'acquisition,' and is insignificant and not creative.
Yes, dignity and grandeur demand that in the view of the mind causes arc veils to the hand of power. While unity and oneness demand that causes abstain from having any real effect.
Just as angels and the apparent causes employed in good works pertaining to existence are all means of exonerating dominical power of fault and tyranny in things the beauties of which are not known or seen, and of hallowing it and preserving it from the ascription of fault; so too, satans from among jinn and men and harmful matters being employed in evil matters pertaining to non-existence is to hallow and glorify God by saving Divine power from being the target of complaint and wrongful accusations of cruelty. It is to exonerate Him and declare Him free of all the faults in the universe. For all faults arise from non-existence, or lack of ability, or destruction, or the failure to perform duties, which are all non-existence and acts which are not existent and pertain to non-existence. The faults are ascribed to these satanic and evil veils, the objections and complaints are deservedly directed at them, and they are means of Almighty God being pronounced free of all defect.
In any event, strength or power are not necessary for evil destructive works pertaining to non-existence; sometimes extensive non-existence or destruction may occur through some petty act or insignificant power, or even the failure to perform a duty. It is supposed those doers of evil possess power, but they have no effect other than non-existence and no power other minor "acquisition.' But since the evils arise from non-existence, the doers of evil are the true agents. If they are intelligent beings, they deservedly pay the penalty. That is to say, in evils the perpetrators are the true 'doers,' but since good deeds and acts are existent, those who 'do' them are not the true 'doers' and do not have an actual effect. They are recipients rather, receiving the Divine effulgence; the All-Wise Qur'an states that their reward too is purely a Divine favour, and says:
Whatever good happens to you is from God but whatever evil befalls you is from yourself.43 In S һ о г t : While the universes of existence and the innumerable worlds of non-existence clash, producing fruits like Paradise and Hell; and all the worlds of existence declare: "All praise be to God! All praise be to God!" and all the worlds of non-existence declare: "Glory be to God! Glory be to God!"; and while through an all-encompassing law of contest angels and satans, and instances of good and instances of evil, as far as the inspirations and satanic whisperings of the heart, all struggle against each other; a fruit of belief in the angels is suddenly manifested, solving the matter and illuminating the universe. Showing us one of the lights of the verse
God is the Light of the heavens and the earth ,44 it shows us just how sweet is this fruit.
The Twenty-Fourth and Twenty-Ninth Word —the latter of which demonstrates the marvels of the "alifs'45— point out a second universal fruit, and prove in brilliant fashion the existence and functions of the angels. Yes, in everything in the universe, particular and universal, in every realm of being, is a compassionate, splendid dominicality which makes itself known and loved. Most certainly it is necessary to respond to that splendour, that compassion, that making known and loved, with thanks and comprehensive, conscious worship, declaring them to be free of all fault. And it is only countless angels that can perform the duty on behalf of unconscious inanimate creatures and the great elements, and can represent the wise, majestic activity of the sovereignty of that dominicality everywhere on the earth, on the Pleiades, in the foundations of the earth, and outside it.
Through this fruit, for example, the creation of the earth and its natural duties, which the soulless laws of philosophy show to be dark and desolate, are placed in luminous familiar fashion on the shoulders of, that is, under (he supervision of, two angels called Thawr (the Bull) and Hut (the Fish).46 And a truth, a substance of the hereafter called sakkra is sent as an everlasting foundation stone of the transitory earth, that is, as a sign that in the future part of it will be transformed into eternal Paradise, and is made a point of support for the angels Thawr and Hut.
43. Qur'an,4:79.
44. Qur'an,24:35.
45. This refers to the non-intentional alignment in patterns {tawufuq) of al if s ( the first let-f of the Arabic alphabet, written as a vertical stroke) in handwritten copies ot the lwenty-inth Word. |Tr.|
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