The Staff of Moses | The Eleventh Topic | 5
This was narrated by the old prophets of the Children of Israel, and also by Ibn 'Abbas. Unfortunately, in the course of time, this sacred meaning and allegory was taken literally by the ordinary people and acquired a form outside the bounds of reason. Since the angels travel through earth and rock and the centre of the earth the same as they do through the air, they, and the earth, surely have no need of physical rocks and a fish and ox to support them.
Also for example, since the globe utters Divine glorifications to the number of its realms of beings, with tongues to the number of the members of those species, and to the parts, leaves, and fruits of those members, surely there will be an appointed angel with forty thousand heads and forty thousand tongues in each head, each of which will utter forty thousand Divine glorifications, which will know that splendid, unconscious, innate worship, represent it consciously, and offer it to the Divine Court, as the Bringer of Sure News informed us absolutely correctly.
Also, the existence and extraordinary nature of angels like Gabriel (Peace be upon him), who conveys and announces the dominical relations with man, the most important result of the universe's creation; and israfil (Peace be upon him) and Azra'il (Peace be upon him), who merely represent the Creator's most awesome actions in the world of animate beings, which are the raising to life and giving of life, and the release from duties with death, and they supervise them in worshipful manner; and Michael (Peace be upon him) who besides supervising the bounties of the Most Merciful in food, which is the most extensive and most pleasurable mercy in the sphere of life, consciously represents unconscious thanks — the existence and extraordinary nature of angels like these, and the immortality of their spirits, are necessitated by the sovereignty and splendour of dominicality. Their existence and that of their own species is as certain and free of doubt as the existence of the sovereignty and splendour that arc to be seen in the universe as clearly as the sun. Comparisons may be made with this for other matters concerning the angels.
Yes, the All-Powerful One of Glory and Beauty created four hundred thousand species of living beings on the earth, and created beings with spirits in great abundance, even out of common and rotting substances, filling everywhere with them. In the face of the miracles of His art He causes them to declare: "What wonders God has willed! How great are God's blessings! Glory be to God!", and before the gifts of His mercy: "All praise be to God! All thanks be to God! God is Most Great!" Most certainly and without doubt therefore He created inhabitants and spirit beings suitable for the vast heavens, who never rebel and perform constant worship. Not leaving the heavens empty, He populated them with these beings.
He created too countless different sorts of angels, far greater in number than the animal species. Some in tiny form, mount raindrops and snowflakes and applaud the Divine art and mercy in their own tongues. Others mount the travelling stars and on their journeys through space, through their Divine exaltations and pronouncements of Divine Unity, proclaim to the world their worship before the grandeur, splendour and dignity of dominicality.
The agreement of all the revealed scriptures and religions since the time of Adam concerning the existence and worship of the angels, and the numerous unanimous reports in all ages of conversations and meetings of men with the angels, proves that their existence is as certain as the existence of the people of America, whom we have never seen, and that they are concerned with us.
Now come and taste through the light of belief this second universal fruit; see how it fills the universe from end to end, making it beautiful and transforming it into a vast mosque and place of worship. In the face of science and philosophy showing it to be cold, lifeless, dark, and desolate, it shows it to be full of life and light, conscious, familiar, and agreeable, allowing the people of belief to experience a manifestation of the pleasures of immortal life according to their degree, while still in this world.
Conclusion: Since through the mysteries of Divine unity and oneness, the same power, the same Names, the same wisdom, and the same art are found in every part of the universe, the Creator's unity, disposal, giving of existence, dominicality, creativity, and sacredness are proclaimed through the tongues of disposition of all creatures, particular and universal. So too He created the angels, and caused the glorifications which all creatures offer unconsciously through the tongues of their beings to be offered consciously through the worshipful tongues of the angels. None of the angels' actions are in any respect contrary to the Divine command. Apart from pure worship, they do nothing; they bring nothing into being, can intervene in nothing unless commanded, and cannot intercede even, without permission. They manifest to the utmost the meaning of:
They are [but] servants raised to honour. * They speak not before He speaks, and they act fin all things} by His command.47
46. Suyūtl, ul-Durr al-Manthūr, і, 329.
47. Qur'an, 21:26-7
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