The Staff of Moses | The Eleventh Proof | 10
S e v e n t h І y is in respect of their principles, the Risale-i Nur's com¬prising all the sciences. It is like a tapestry woven from threads of knowl¬edge. It is a collection of succinct sayings, never before expressed by any scholar, which demonstrate its knowledge of all the sciences. Here, we offer a few by way of example, and recommend those who wish to gain a better idea of what the Risale-i Nur consists of as a whole, to refer to that ocean of knowledge.
1. Whoever created a mosquito's eye, created the sun.
2. Whoever ordered the butterfly's digestive system, arranged the solar system.
3. Power sufficient to create the whole universe is necessary to create a single particle. For every letter of the mighty book of the universe, espe¬cially its living letters, has a face and an eye that look to all the sentences.
4. Nature is a printing-press, it is not the printer. It is an embroidery, not the embroiderer. It is a pattern, not the source. It is an orderly system, not the orderer. It is a law, and has no power. It is a code of laws proceeding from will, and has no external reality.
5. Like fixed, permanent natural laws, spirit comes from the world of thedivine command and attribute of will. Power clothed it in a being decked out with senses, and made a subtle inner faculty the shell to that pearl. The Risale-i Nur contains thousands of succinct sayings like these.
The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One, Mustafa Hilmi, a university Nur student
Dear, True Brothers!
From your letter we espied a ray from the sun of Islam; we understood that the Risale-i Nur, which has appeared to repair the damage caused to Islam over hundreds of years by the aggressive ideas of the disbelievers, is now spreading among the young people. Lovers of truth travelling the road to eternal life are giving up the empty words of fantasy to annihilate together with the Risale-i Nur the seeds of disbelief. Your letters spur us on to greater efforts. The Risale-i Nur, a Qur'anic commentary, tells us that it is the utmost stupidity at this time to remain in misguidance and not to struggle against unbelief. The most urgent task now when communism, anarchy, and freemasonry are all gaining strength is to serve the Risale-i Nur and to give it to those seeking it, so as to win divine pleasure. Even the severest attacks of those who want make us renege on this most important, worthy, and necessary duty of ours will only further fire our enthusiasm. The Risale-i Nur teaches us with proofs the following:
This world is a guest-house. Those seeking eternal life are gratified to the extent they work diligently at their duties in the guest-house. This means that our chief duty is to race to assist the followers of religion who want to be saved from the bog, whose parched hearts are choking on the darkness. And starting with ourselves to act as heralds of the Risale-i Nur. It is of supreme importance to continuously, attentively, and reflectively read the Risale-i Nur, to equip ourselves with the truths of the Qur'an and belief it contains, and in this way to gain a complete knowledge of it as quickly as possible. Everyone who receives this supreme bounty becomes tremendously useful for himself, his nation, and his country. He may become capable of serving both his country, and his nation, and youth, and the Islamic world. We are requesting the prayers of foremost our Master Bediuzzaman, and of you, who are worthy to be his true, sincere students, so that we may search, find, and acquire the books of the Risale-i Nur, read them carefully, reflectively, and with sincere intention, and hasten to serve the Qur'an and belief in this way. The evidences for the Risale-i Nur's acceptability are so numerous, it is natural that all our fair-minded believ¬ing brothers should assist in its service.
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