The Staff of Moses | The Eleventh Proof | 11
Also, since the Risale-i Nur bears characteristics that look to this age in particular; and since it has been applauded by thousands of scholars; and since the champion Ustad Bediuzzaman acted as herald of the Qur'an, and incomparably, honestly, and with sound, true principles, dedicated his life to Islam and belief, seeking God's pleasure alone and eschewing all worldly benefits; and since the Risale-i Nur students also serve belief and Islam according to Sunni beliefs with all their lives and strength and seek no personal interests of any kind; and since hundreds of thousands of its students have proved this fact despite all the persecution and threats; and since all of them have been trained to reply logically and correctly to all the current false ideas of philosophy; and since the Qur'an answers all our needs and contains explicitly all the truths necessary for us; and since the Qur'an is the finest gift of Almighty God, and His light and mercy; it is true worship and a source of pleasure to read the Risale-i Nur attentively, continuously, and reflectively, since it teaches us about that treasury of divine mercy and source of truth in a way everyone may understand. It is a most effective panacea and remedy for us youths which affords true pleasure, and is a saviour. Not to embrace the Risale-i Nur with all our strength in the face of all these established facts, and not to study it in its entirety, could only be the result of heedless apathy.
Any true seeker after truth is bound to heed the Risale-i Nur's lessons. And any illumined person who follows it is bound to attain true happiness and comprehend the true nature of things. We Ankara students of the Risale-i Nur agree unanimously about this. Proceeding from the Qur'an's light, which points to the treasury of eternal life, the Risale-i Nur's silvery voice shall one day ring out all over the world.
According to a Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH), so long as they do not fall prey to worldly desires. Islamic scholars are the sure heirs of the prophets. We know the Risale-i Nur to be a true heir of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Its collective personality follows the principles of true heirdom. The blind, deaf, and soulless idiots which oppose it shall be humiliated. With supreme sense, the Risale-i Nur will have as its students all philosophers and scholars, and all people of sound mind and noble heart. This is not far away, God willing, and will happen soon. As many of those scholars have said, the world is on the threshold of a new formation; it is searching for light. Alluding to this, the poet Mehmed Akif wrote:
"Now send that light, O God, long ages have passed;
This dispirited nation seeks the horizons of dawn."
Risale-i Nur Students at Ankara University
Our Kind. Blessed, and Beloved Master!
Through your prayers and blessings, the more we read the Risale-i Nur with care and thought, the more we understand that it is a sublime work which solves and discloses the riddle of the universe, and the supreme guide of the present and future. Yes, anyone of intelligence who reads it, realizes that it will illuminate humanity both in this century and the next, and save it from the darkness of misguided thought.
The Risale-i Nur was written to meet the needs of the world of Islam and all mankind, not only of this country and nation. Today, mankind is floundering in an unprecedented calamity, and there is nothing that will save it except embracing the Risale-i Nur and studying its various parts attentively and reflectively, whatever the price of obtaining it. Everyone who reads it accepts this fact. If we had the power, we would ascend to a spot overlooking the universe and would proclaim this to all the world. But since we cannot do this, and since to an extent, through our Master's blessings we have understood the Risale-i Nur's universal value; we shall continuously read that effulgent source of knowledge and perfection, day and night at every opportunity and not waste one moment of our time; we shall constantly work at it. But this again will be thanks to our Master's prayers and blessings.
Moreover, it is clear that everyone, even the most eminent scholar, may be the student of the Risale-i Nur and its author; all are in need of reading it. If overcome by one's egotism, one fails to do this, the loss is his entirely.
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