The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The First Flash | 20

Thus our future is  illumined with the light of belief and the moonlike luminosity of the  Quran, and the awe and terror of the  night are transformed into tranquillity and joy. Then too, embarking on the ship of the truth of Islam,  fashioned in the dockyard of the Most Wise Quran, we may pass safely over the sea of this earthly abode, which through the alternation of life and death is boarded by corpses unnumbered, borne on the waves of the years and centuries, and cast into nothingness. Once aboard that ship we may reach the shore of salvation and fulfil our lifes duty. The tempest  and surging of the sea will appear a series of pleasing images on a screen, and instead of inspiring terror and dread, will delight, caress and illumine the reflective and the meditative gaze. By virtue of the mystery of the Qur’an, and the effect of that Criterion of Truth and  Falsehood, our soul will no longer ride us, but instead become our mount. As we ride it, it  will be for us a powerful means for the attainment of life everlasting.

I n  S h o r t : Man, in accordance with the comprehensive nature of his being, as

he suffers and shakes with malaria, so also he suffers from the shaking and tremors of the earth, and the supreme convulsion of all beings on the Day of Resurrection. As he fears the infinitesimal microbe, he also fears the shooting star that appears among the heavenly bodies. As he loves his home, he also loves the wide world. As he loves his little garden, he also  ardently loves infinite and eternal paradise. Mans object of worship, Lord, refuge, saviour,  and goal then can only be the One in the grasp of whose power is the whole universe, under whose command are both atom and planet. Man should therefore constantly say like Jonah (Peace be upon him):


There  is  no  god  but  You,  Glory  be  unto  You! Indeed  I  was  among  the wrongdoers. (2:32)

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise

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