The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Third Flash | 34

The expansion of time, a tried principle among the people of sainthood  and  reality,  also  alludes  to  this  truth.  For  through  its  mystery,  a  few minutes Ascension  become many years and prove the existence of this truth and demonstrate it in fact. The  few  hours of the Prophets (UWBP) Ascension had the length, breadth, and  comprehensiveness of thousands of years, for by way of it he entered the world of eternity, and a few minutes of that world comprise thousands of years of this world.

There  are,  besides  this,  the  numerous  occurrences  of  the expansion  of  time experienced by the saints, constructed on this truth. It is related that some of them did a days  work in a single minute, and others performed a year’s duties in an hour, while others recited the whole Qur’an in the space of a minute. Such veracious people of truth would  never  knowingly stoop  to lying.  There can be no  doubt that they

observed exactly the fact of the expansion of time,3  which has been thus numerously and unanimously reported.

The expansion of time experienced in dreams is a sort confirmed by everyone. Sometimes  a  day  in  the  waking  world,  or  many  days,  would  be  necessary  to experience the happenings, words, pleasures, and pains experienced in a minutes dream.

I n  S h o r t : For sure man is transitory, but he was created for immortality and to be a  mirror to the Eternal One, and he was charged with duties which produce eternal fruits, and was given a form that is the means to manifesting the impresses of an Eternal Ones eternal names. In which case, his true duty and happiness is to cling with all his powers and faculties to the names of that Perpetually Eternal One within the bounds of those things that please Him; it is to be turned towards Him, and to go to Him. As mans tongue utters O Eternal One, You alone are Eternal!, so his heart, spirit, mind, and all his subtle faculties should declare:

He is the Eternal One! He is Pre-Eternal and Post-Eternal! He is the Everlasting and Perpetual! He is the One who is sought, the Beloved! He is the One wished for and Worshipped!


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!(2:32)

O our Sustainer! Do not take us to task if we forget or do wrong.(2:282)












3  The verses, Said one of them: How long have we stayed [here]? They said, ‘We have stayed [perhaps] a day, or part of a day,(18:19) and, So they stayed in their cave three hundred years, and [some] add nine [more](18:25) point to the traversing of time, while the verse, “Verily a day in the sight of your Sustainer is like a thousand years of your reckoning(22:47) points to the expansion of time.

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