The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE FOURTH FLASH | 44

The Sunnis cannot be condemned because of ideas that come from Kharijites and atheists. Indeed, the Sunnis  are  firmer  followers  of  Ali  than the  Alawis.  They  mention  Ali  in the laudatory fashion  he deserves in all their khutbas and prayers. And the saints and purified scholars, the vast majority of whom belonged to the Sunni school, recognized him as a spiritual guide and the  king of sainthood.37  The Alawis should ignore the Kharijites and atheists who have  deservedly earned the enmity of both the Alawis

and the Sunnis, and not take sides against the people of truth. Some Alawis even abandon the Prophets (UWBP) Sunna out of spite for the Sunnis. Anyway, we have said too much on this matter, for it has been discussed inordinately by the religious scholars.

O Sunnis, who are the people of truth, and Alawis, whose way is love of the Prophets (UWBP) family! Quickly put an end to this meaningless, disloyal, unjust, and harmful  dispute between you. Otherwise the atheistic current which is now so influential will make one of you a tool against the other, and use the one to crush the other. And after defeating the one it will destroy the tool. As believers in divine unity, it is essential that you leave aside unimportant matters that cause division, for there are a hundred fundamental sacred bonds  between you that enjoin brotherhood and unity.





Second Station


The Second Station will be about the second truth of the verse,

But if they turn away, say: God suffices me, there is no god but He; in Him do   I   place  my  trust   He  the  Sustainer  of  the  Throne  [of  Glory] Supreme!(9:129)38






37 See, Imam Rabbani, al-Maktubat, i, 134 (No: 251).

38 The Second Station was designated the Eleventh Flash.

*Note: Our Master, Hazret-i Ustad, said in explanation of these two phrases in the footnote of the Sixth Chapter of the Twenty-Ninth Flash, which is in Arabic: The degrees of these two phrases were written in Arabic because they are reflection and remembrance of God rather than intellectual knowledge..... The Fourth Ray, called Hasbiye Risalesi, about the verseFor us God suffices, and he is the Best Disposer of Affairs, was written subsequently in Turkish.

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