“He it is who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion” predicts with complete certainty that the religion which the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) brought would triumph over all religions. However at that time Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism had hundreds of millions of adherents and were the official religions of such world- dominant states as Rome, China, and Persia, which had hundreds of millions of subjects, and Muhammad the Arabian was unable to subdue his own small tribe even. Yet it is foretelling that the religion he brought would triumph over all religions and be victorious over all states. And it does this most clearly and categorically. The future confirmed this prediction, with the sword of Islam extending from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the
“Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and those who are with him are strong against unbelievers, [but] compassionate among each other. You will see them bow and prostrate themselves.” The beginning of this verse foretells explicitly the loft y qualities and virtues that made the Companions the most elevated of humankind after the prophets. And allusively it indicates the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, who would succeed to the Prophet’s (UWBP) position after his death through the institution of
the Caliphate, and foretells the fine attributes5 which were what most distinguished
each of them and marked them out. It is as follows:
5 See, Ahmad b. Hanbal, Fada’il al-Sahaba, i, 434; Baghawi, Ma‘alim al-Tanzil, iv, 206.