The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Seventh Flash | 52

[Predictions similar to these concerning the Unseen indicated by the allusive  meanings of the  verses  at  the end  of Sura  al-Fath will be discussed here briefly, also in connection with their allusive meanings.]


A Postscript


And We should have shown them the Straight Way. * All who obey God and the Messenger are in the company of those on whom is the grace of God of the Prophets, the Veracious, the Witnesses [or Martyrs], and the Righteous: And how goodly a company are these!(4:68-9)


We shall point out two of the thousands of fine points expounding these verses.




Just as the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition expresses truths through its explicit, clear meanings and senses, so it expresses many allusive meanings through its styles and manner of exposition. Each of its verses contains numerous levels of meanings. The Qur’an proceeds from all-encompassing knowledge, so all its meanings may be intended. Its meanings are not restricted to one or two like mans speech, the product of his limited mind and individual will.

In consequence of this, innumerable truths contained in the Qur’ans verses have been expounded by Qur’anic commentators, and there are many more that have not been  expounded  by them.  In  addition  to  its  explicit  meanings,  much  significant knowledge is contained in its letters in particular and in its allusions.




With the terms, of the Prophets, the Veracious, the Witnesses [or martyrs], and the Righteous: And how goodly a company are these!, the verse describes the people of the Straight Path and the groups of the Prophets, the caravan of the Veracious, the community of  the Martyrs, the class of the Righteous, and those who follow them. These  are  the   members   of  mankind   who   truly  receive  the  divine   bounties. Furthermore, having indicated explicitly the most perfect of those five groups in the world of Islam, it indicates their leaders and chiefs by mentioning their well-known attributes.
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