The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE ELEVENTH FLASH | 84

While in that truly strange and sorrowful state of mind, help reached me from belief and from the Qur’an; the verse, But if they turn away, say: God suffices me, there is no god but He; in Him do I place my trust He the Sustainer of the Throne [of Glory] Supreme! came to my assistance, like a safe and trusty boat. My spirit boarded the verse with  complete  confidence and joy. I understood that besides its explicit  meaning,  an  allusive   meaning  had  consoled  me  so  that  I  had  found tranquillity and serenity.

Yes,  its  explicit  meaning  says  to  God’s  Noble  Messenger  (Upon  whom  be blessings and peace): If the people of misguidance turn away, shun your Sharia and practices and do not heed the Quran, do not worry. Say: Almighty God is enough for me. I place my trust in Him. He will raise up others in their place who will follow me. The throne of His rule encompasses everything; the rebellious cannot escape outside its bounds, nor do those who  seek assistance remain unaided. While its allusive meaning says this:

O man! And O leader and guide of mankind! If all beings leave you and depart for non-existence on the path of transience; if living beings part from you and hasten down the road of death; if people abandon you and enter the graveyard; if the people of neglect and misguidance do not heed you and fall into darkness; do not be anxious. Say: Almighty God suffices me. Since He exists, everything exists. Those who have departed  have  not  gone  to  non-existence;  they have  departed  for  another  of  His realms. Out of His infinite generosity and from among His innumerable soldiers, that Owner of the Sublime Throne sends others in their place. Those who have entered the graveyard have not been annihilated; they have departed for another world. He will send other officials in their place. And He can send obedient servants who follow the true path in place of those who fall into misguidance. Since  it is thus, He takes the place of everything. Nothing can take the place of His favours, His regard.

This allusive meaning caused the three awesome corpses which had filled me with terror to take on another form. They became a wisdom-displaying passage, an instructive  excursion, a journeying for the performance of duties, a demobilization and a charging with duties, whereby the universe is shaken up, and comes and goes.

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