The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SIXTEENTH FLASH | 144

In consequence, predictions made as a result of interpretations or illuminations this last Ramadan and Feast of Sacrifices or at other times that do not occur because the conditions on which they were dependent were not fulfilled, do not give the lie to those who told of them.  For they were determined, but did not come about because the conditions were not fulfilled.

Yes, the sincere prayers of the majority of the Sunnis that innovations in the

month of Ramadan be abrogated formed a condition and important reason. But since innovations had entered the mosques in Ramadan, they hindered the acceptance of the supplications, and the relief did  not arrive. Just as in accordance with the above Hadith, alms-giving repels calamities, the sincere supplications of the majority attract a general release  from troubles. Since the power of attraction was not formed, the victory was not given.




The last two months there has been a lively political situation in the face of which some attempt should have been made to alleviate conditions both for myself and the brothers with  whom I am connected. While there was a strong possibility that this could  have been  achieved, I attached  no  importance  to  the situation,  and  on the contrary, had an idea in support ofthe worldly who oppress me. A number of people were astonished at this. They said: What do you think about the policies followed by those at the head of these innovators and in part dissembling people who torment you, so that you do nothing to them?” A summary of my reply is as follows:

The greatest danger facing the people of Islam at this time is their hearts being corrupted  and belief harmed through the misguidance that arises from science and philosophy. The sole solution for this is light; it is to show light so that their hearts may be  reformed and their belief, saved. If one acts with the club of politics and prevails  over  them,  the  unbelievers  descend  to  the  degree  of  dissemblers.  And dissemblers are worse than unbelievers. That is to say, the club cannot heal the heart at this time, for then unbelief enters the heart and is concealed, and is transformed into dissembling. And at this time, a powerless person like myself cannot employ both of them, the club and the light. For this reason I am compelled to embrace the light with all my strength and cannot consider the club of politics whatever form it is in. We are not charged with physical jihad at the moment, whatever that duty demands. Yes, in accordance with a persons way, a club is necessary to form a  barrier against the assaults of the unbelievers or apostates. But we only have two hands. Even if we had a hundred hands, they would be sufficient only for the light. We do not have any other hands with which to hold the club!

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