The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SIXTEENTH FLASH | 154

We said at the beginning that existence, life, and mercy are the most important truths in  the universe and that the most important station is theirs. Therefore, one reason  for  the  comprehensive  truth  of  life  looking  with  all  its  fine  points  and subtleties  to  the  divine  will  and  wish  and  mercy,  which  are  particular  to  God Almighty, is this:

Since life together with all its faculties is the source and means of thanks and worship,  laws  and  monotony   which  are  a  veil  to  Gods  will,  and  apparent intermediaries which screen His mercy, have not been placed on it. Almighty God has two manifestations in the physical and non-physical features of unborn children.

One  shows  divine  unity,  oneness,  and  eternal  besoughtedness,  for  the  child testifies to divine unity by being similar to other human beings in respect of its basic members and  human faculties. With this tongue it shouts out: Whoever gave me these features and members is the Maker of all human beings, for they resemble me in regard to basic members, and He is the Maker too of all living beings.

This tongue of the child in the womb does not pertain to the Unseen; it may be known  since it follows a law and general rule and the species. It is a branch and tongue of the Manifest World that has entered the World of the Unseen.

The Second Aspect: With the tongue of the features of its particular capacity and

its individual features, it proclaims its Maker’s choice, will and wish and particular mercy and  that He is under no restriction. But this tongue comes from the deepest Unseen;  none  other  than Pre-Eternal Knowledge  can  see  it  before  it  comes  into existence, nor  comprehend it. These features cannot be known while in the womb even if one or other of the childs thousand members is seen!

I n   S h o r t : The features of the embryos innate capacity and its physical features offer both evidence for divine unity and proofs of divine will and choice. If Almighty God grants success, a number of further points shall be written about the five hidden things. But  for now I have no more time and my condition does not permit it, so I conclude here.


The Enduring One, He is the Enduring One!


S a i d  N u r s i


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You taught us;

indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

No Voice