The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE SEVENTEENTH FLASH | 160

Fifth Note


Western science and civilization had to some extent a place in the Old Said’s thought, so when the New Said embarked on his journeys of the mind and the heart, they were transformed into sicknesses of the heart and were the cause of excessive difficulties. The New Said therefore wanted to shake off from his mind that fallacious philosophy and dissolute  civilization. In order to silence the emotions of his evil- commanding soul, which testified in favour of Europe, he was compelled to hold in his spirit the following discussion which in one respect is very brief and in another is long with the collective personality of Europe.

It should not be misunderstood; Europe is twofold. One follows the sciences which  serve justice and  right  and  the  industries beneficial for  the  life of society through the inspiration it has received from true Christianity; this first Europe I am not  addressing.  I  am  addressing  the  second  corrupt  Europe  which,  through  the darkness of the philosophy of Naturalism, supposing the evils of civilization to be its virtues, has driven mankind to vice and misguidance. As follows:

On my journey of the spirit at that time I said to Europes collective personality, which apart from beneficial science and the virtues of civilization, holds in its hand meaningless, harmful philosophy and noxious, dissolute civilization:

Know this, O second Europe! You hold a diseased and misguided philosophy in your  right  hand  and  a  harmful  and  corrupt  civilization  in  your  left,  and  claim, Mankind’s happiness is with these two! May your two hands be broken and may these two filthy presents of yours be the death of you! And so they shall be!

O you unhappy spirit which spreads unbelief and ingratitude! Can a man who is suffering torments and is afflicted with ghastly calamities in both his spirit and his conscience  and his mind and his heart be happy through his body wallowing in a superficial, deceptive glitter and wealth? Can it be said that he is happy?

Dont you see that on feeling despair at some minor matter and his hope for some illusory wish being lost and his being disillusioned at some insignificant business, such a persons sweet imaginings become bitter for him, what is pleasant torments him, and the world constricts him and becomes a prison for him?

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