The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-FIRST FLASH | 215

Similarly, the components of a factorys machinery cannot compete with one another  in  rivalry, take precedence over each other, or dominate each other. They cannot  spy out  one  another’s  faults  and  criticize  each  other,  destroy the  other’s eagerness for work, and  cause him to become idle. They rather assist each other’s motions with all their capacity in  order to achieve the common goal; they march towards the aim of their creation in true  solidarity and unity. If even the slightest aggression or desire to dominate were to interfere,  it would throw the factory into confusion,  cancelling  its  products  and  results.  The  factorys  owner  would  then demolish the factory entirely.

O Risale-i Nur students and servants of the Quran! You and I are members of

such a collective personality, worthy of the title of the perfect man. We are like the components of a factorys machinery which produces eternal happiness within eternal life. We are hands working on a dominical boat which will disembark the communit y of Muhammad (UWBP) at the realm of peace, the shore of salvation. So we are surely in need  of solidarity  and  true union, obtained  through gaining sincerity   for the mystery  of  sincerity  secures  through  four  individuals  the  moral  strength  of  one thousand one hundred and eleven indeed, we are compelled to obtain it.

Yes, if three alifs do not unite, they have the value of three, but on uniting, through the mystery of numbers they acquire the value of one hundred and eleven. If four times four remain apart, they have a value of sixteen. But if, through the myster y of brotherhood and having a common goal and joint duty, they unite coming together shoulder to shoulder on a line, they acquire the strength and value of four thousand four hundred and forty-four. Indeed, numerous historical events testify that the moral strength and  value of sixteen self-sacrificing  brothers have exceeded that  of four thousand.

The underlying reason for this mystery is this: each member of a true, sincere union may see with the eyes of the other brothers, and hear with their ears, as if each person of a true union of ten acquires the value and strength to see with twenty eyes,

think with ten minds, hear with twenty ears, and work with twenty hands.1



1   Yes, through the mystery of sincerity heartfelt solidarity and union produce innumerable benefits, and are also an effective shield and point of support against fear, and even death. For if death comes, it takes one spirit. But since through the mystery of true brotherhood on the way of divine pleasure in works connected with the hereafter there are spirits to the number of brothers, if one of them dies, he meets death happily, saying: My other spirits remain alive, for they in effect make life continue for me by constantly earning me reward, so I am not dying. I live in respect of merit through their spirits; I am only dying in respect of sin. And he lays down in peace.

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