The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-SECOND FLASH | 226

since actions  have  to  be in conformity with the  natural laws,  absolute equality can be applied only by changing human nature and removing the fundamental wisdom in the mankind’s  creation. Yes, by birth and the way I have lived I am from the class of common people, and I am one of those who by temperament and intellectually have accepted  the  way  of  equality  of  rights.  And  due  to  compassion  and  the  justice proceeding from Islam, I am a person who for a long time has opposed and worked against the  despotism and oppression of the  elite class called  the  bourgeouisie. I therefore support total justice with all my strength, and  oppose tyranny, oppression, arbitrary power, and despotism.

However, human nature and the underlying wisdom in humankind are contrary to the law of absolute equality. For to demonstrate His perfect power and wisdom, the All-Wise Creator produces many crops from a single thing, causes many books to be written on a single  page, and causes many functions to be performed by a single thing; and in the same way, He causes the duties of thousands of species to be carried out by humankind. It is because of this great mystery that Almighty God created man with a nature that would produce the shoots of thousands of species and display the levels of the thousands of other species of living creatures. No limit was placed on his powers, subtle faculties, and senses like the other animals; since He left him free and gave him a capacity whereby his senses could roam through endless degrees, although only one species, mankind became like thousands of species. For this  reason, man became vicegerent of the earth, the result of the universe, and monarch of  animate beings.

The most important leaven and mechanism giving rise to the variety in mankind is competition and the true virtue resulting from belief. Virtue can only be removed through  changing  human  nature,  extinguishing  the  reason,  killing  the  heart,  and annihilating the  spirit. Yes, this  age  with  its awesome tyranny under the  veil of freedom deserves to be  struck in the face with the following masterly lines, which,

written  by a most  important  person,1    have  been  wrongly brandished  in  his  face,

although he deserved no slap:

It is not possible through tyranny and injustice to destroy freedom; Try to remove consciousness, if you can, from humankind.

In place of these lines, I say, in order to strike this age in the face:

It is not possible through tyranny and injustice to destroy reality; Try to annihilate the heart, if you can, in humankind.



1   Namık Kemal (1840-1888) in his famous kaside ...

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