The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-SECOND FLASH | 231

For instance, this summer my friends mounted me on a fine horse and I rode out into the countryside. A selfish desire for pleasure awakened in me without my being aware of it, and  the worldly opposed that hidden desire of mine so violently that they destroyed both it,  and  my appetite for many other things. Even, for example, after Ramadan and learning of  the allusions made to us by one of the great, holy imams of former times through his  wonder-working which penetrated the Unseen, and being faced with the piety and sincerity of my brothers and the respect and good opinion of visitors, without my realizing it my soul  wanted  proudly to  assume a hypocritical position under the veil of being thankful.  Suddenly with their infinite sensitivity and in a way in which the very particles of hypocrisy could be felt, the worldly attacked me. I thank Almighty God that their tyranny was a means of my gaining sincerity.


And say: O my Sustainer! I seek refuge with you from the suggestions of the Evil  Ones.  *  And  I  seek  refuge  with  You  lest  they  should  come  near me.(23:97)


O God! O Protector! O Preserver! O Best of Protectors! Preserve me and preserve my companions from the evil of the soul and of Satan, and from the evil of people of misguidance and of rebellion. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

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