The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | THE TWENTY-FOURTH FLASH | 261

A  proof  of  this  heroism  of  women  in  respect  of  compassion,  which  wants absolutely no recompense and nothing in return, and of their sacrificing their ver y spirits, which in no way seeks personal benefit and no show, is that a hen, which bears a tiny sample of that compassion, will attack a lion and sacrifice its life for its chicks.

Now,  sincerity  is  the  most  valuable  and  most  essential  principle  in  Islamic training  and  in deeds pertaining to  the  hereafter.  True sincerity is present  in  the heroism of this  kind  of compassion. If these two points begin to  develop  among women, it will lead to  considerable happiness within the domain of Islam. When it comes  to  the  heroism  of  men,  it  can  never  be  for  nothing;  they  always  want recompense in perhaps a hundred ways. At the very least they want glory and renown. But regretably, unfortunate women practise hypocrisy in another form in order to be saved from the evil and oppression of tyrannical men; this sort arises from weakness and impotence.




This year, although I had withdrawn from the life of society and was in seclusion, I looked at the world for the sake of some of my brothers and sisters who were Risale- i Nur students. I heard from most of the friends who visited me complaints about their family lives. Alas!, I said, Family life is the refuge of people, and particularly of Muslims, and a sort of Paradise, and a small world. Has this now started to break up as well? I sought the reason and I  understood that one or two covert groups were working to mislead the youth and drive the young to vice by exciting their appetites, so as to cause harm to Islamic social life and thereby to the religion of Islam. I also realized  that  one  or  two  groups  were  working  covertly  and  effectively to  drive neglectful women down the wrong road. I understood too that a severe blow would be dealt  to  this  Muslim  nation  from  that  quarter. I  therefore  categorically  state  the following to you my sisters and spiritual children:

The sole means of saving womens happiness in the hereafter, and their happiness in this world, as well as saving their elevated innate qualities from corruption, is the training given by the religion of Islam; there is no other means. You hear about the situation into which the unfortunate women of Russia have fallen. It says in one part of the Risale-i Nur that no sensible man builds love and affection for his wife on her fleeting, superficial beauty of five to ten years; he should build it on her fine conduct, the most  permanent  and  best  of  beauty,  which  is  particular  to  womanhood  and  its compassion.

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