The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Twenty-Fifth Flash | 271

Thus, the first thing you have to do is to search for the cure of belief, which is the certain healing remedy for the innumerable illnesses afflicting that infinitely wounded and sick,  extensive immaterial being of yours; you have to correct your beliefs. The shortest way of finding such a cure is to recognize the power and mercy of the All- Powerful One of Glory by means of the window of your weakness and impotence shown you behind the curtain of heedlessness, rent by your physical illness.

Yes, one who does not recognize God is afflicted by a world-full of tribulations. While  the  world  of  one  who  does  recognize  Him  is  full  of  light  and  spiritual happiness;  he  perceives  these  in  accordance  with  the  strength of  his  belief.  The suffering resulting from insignificant physical illnesses is dissolved by the immaterial joy, healing, and pleasure that arise from belief; the suffering melts away.




O sick person who recognizes his Creator! Illness gives rise to pain, fear, and anxiety because it sometimes leads to death. Since superficially and to the heedless death is terrifying, illnesses which may lead to it cause fear and apprehension.

So know firstly and believe firmly that the appointed hour is determined and does not change. Those weeping beside the grievously sick and those in perfect health have died, while the grievously sick have been cured and lived.

Secondly: Death is not terrifying as it appears to be superficially. Through the light  afforded by the All-Wise Qur’an, in many parts of the Risale-i Nur we have proved in completely certain and indubitable fashion that for believers death is to be discharged from  the  burdensome duties of life. For them it is a rest from worship, which forms the instruction and training in the arena of trial of this world. It is also a means of their rejoining friends and relations, ninety-nine out of a hundred of whom have already departed for the next world. It is a means of entering their true homeland and eternal abodes of happiness. It is also an  invitation to the gardens of Paradise from the dungeon of this world. And it is the time they receive their wage from the munificence of the Most Compassionate Creator in return for  service rendered to Him. Since the reality of death is this, it should be regarded not as terrifying, but on the contrary as the introduction to mercy and happiness.

Moreover, some of the people of God have feared death, not out of terror at it but because they hoped to gain additional merit by performing more good works with the duties of life continuing.

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